Woodbridge Chess Club meets every Wednesday evening for fun and competitive chess games.
All playing abilities from beginner to GM are welcome, and chess equipment is provided. Juniors (under 18) are very welcome to join us though should be accompanied by an adult.
Please see the Events page for our next club night or League Chess page if you’re a visiting team.
For more information contact: woodbridgechessclub@gmail.com

About Us
Woodbridge Chess Club is the youngest club in Suffolk – only founded in February 2017 with members having an average age of 30! Playing initially in the Methodist Church, the club very quickly moved to the backroom of the Cherry Tree Inn for a more relaxed vibe. The 2017/18 season marked our debut in the Suffolk League where we won Division 3 and promotion to Division 2. The 2022/23 season will see Woodbridge’s first appearance in Division 1 with many of the same players from our 2017 team.
The club aims to provide opportunities for players, of all abilities, to improve and play competitive chess. Members are involved in coaching in local schools, the Cambridge Girls Chess Initiative and, of course, other club members. We aim to maintain a Division 1 league side, a Division 3 league side and a U1800 cup team. Friendly matches for improving players are regularly organised with other local clubs, where we try to match playing level. We also have ties with the Iceni 4NCL team. Finally, members organise chess events locally (e.g. the Chess Tent at the Woodbridge Festival) and throughout the county by serving on the Suffolk County Chess Association committee.
Woodbridge Chess Club covers Woodbridge and the surrounding villages of Bawdsey, Bealings, Bredfield, Kesgrave, Hollesley, Rendlesham, Melton and Martlesham.